About the Board

Founder, Vice-Chair, CEO
Kristen Wiltshire
BSNS, PDC, BCHN & MBA candidate

Founder & Chair
Angela Gaton-Wiltshire

Judith Samuel
The Gaton Foundation and The Give & Go project in particular help to meet the food needs of families. The project's primary focus is on families within the graded school system of NYC. The food donations from several sources are sorted, bagged and personally delivered to registered families with the assistance of various volunteers from near and far. My favorite food/meal memory is our most recent project on Oct 4, 2024. Riding with our founder Angela Gaton-Wiltshire to do the food deliveries, was a unique, dedicated and truly rewarding experience. I have never done this kind of volunteer work in the past. This is all hands-on and a labour of love to help families in need.

Data Architect
Aparna Tambar
For me, the Gaton Foundation’s work is about connection - with our purpose , between our minds and bodies, and each other. The Give&Go grocery delivery project is an incredible demonstration of our collective commitment to understand and take care of each other through the love language of food.

Board Member
Melanie Byrd
Queens, NY, home to The Gaton Foundation, serves the most diverse community in the world. Based on the pillars of Wellness Education, Compassion, and Waste Reduction - the GIve and Go Organization was born to curb hunger during the pandemic. Also born, raised and educated in Queens I too saw the need to help feed my community and this our mission at GAG. As a former Food Network employee I know first how much food is wasted in America each day and along with TGF I work to turn this around to feed the least of thee..

Board Member
Lisa Gaton-Rapena